BCS 2016

BCS 2016
Wassailing - January 2016

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


The meeting to discuss proposals to put a Post Office Local into the Village Stores will take place at the Village Hall on Tuesday February 2nd at 7 pm. There will be a chance to debate the issues before voting by secret ballot. The results will be posted on the Brightwell Website later in the evening; they will also be available on the noticeboard outside the Village Hall, and in the shop the next day.

Meanwhile, check out the website news pages for the latest in the debate...http://www.brightwellcumsotwell.co.uk/news_item.php?wnID=10436

1 comment:

Steve Luck said...

Stewart Village Hall (VH) – Post Office (PO)

The present arrangement between the VH and the PO, located in the Stewart Room at the back of the VH, has been running successfully since March 2009, prior to that it was in the Red Lion for 3 years. The Trustees of the VH would like to express their gratitude and thanks to Mr Mike Powell (postmaster) and his team for the service they have provided for the community over the years. This arrangement was a commercial one, with the PO hiring space from the VH, this has provided a significant income to the running of the VH and the location has been a good one for users. On the occasions there was a queue; customers had the opportunity of using the chairs in the Stewart Room. It is true that the PO booth/counter virtually rendered the Stewart Room unusable for the number of people and use for which it was built, but it provided a service for the community and we feel it has been a worthwhile sacrifice.

The Trustees would like it known that if it was possible they would be happy to continue to provide space within the VH for a PO with a similar ongoing arrangement.

Steve Luck
Chairman of the Stewart VH Trustees