BCS 2016

BCS 2016
Wassailing - January 2016

Thursday, 25 October 2012


Over 500 new houses could eventually be built on the Brightwell side of Wallingford – 'Site B' – after the planning inspector has given the go-ahead to SODC's core strategy.

While the inspector concedes that there is little to choose between Site B and Site E – on the Winterbrook side of the town – he has eventually agreed with the council's choice of Site B as the preferred option.

To follow his reasoning, read pages 17 to 24 of the full report on the SODC website.


Sunday, 21 October 2012


Derek Brooker spotted this weird fungus when he was out walking with his grandson in the Millennium Wood, and asked us to find out if anyone knew what it was.

We put his photo on the website on Sunday afternoon, and by early evening he had the answer. According to Paul Chilton, it's Shaggy Ink Cap. It's said to be edible if you pick it when young and eat within 24 hours – but, says Paul, "If serving, enjoy, but don't bother to invite me!"

History doesn't repeat whether mushroom tart was on the menu in the Brooker household this weekend – but it certainly shows how quickly the web can provide answers.

Monday, 8 October 2012


One unfortunate cyclist contacted the website recently to say he had caught his back wheel in a pothole, irreparably damaging the rim. Most of the big potholes in the village have been filled in, but there are still some lurking ready to catch the unwary.

Apparently, potholes are the County Council's bag. If you've had a similar experience, you should take a photo of the offending hole (plus any damage it has done) and send it to Oxfordshire County Council Highways Department. Alternatively, if you contact Lucy Dalby, the Parish Council clerk, at bcsparishcouncil@googlemail.com she will report it for you.